Week 36
We are back (again...) !
After a full week of packing, partial unpacking, painting, cleaning... We are finally back at the shop. We still have a lot to do at home, I kind of wish we were closing for 2 weeks to manage to get everything done. But it will get there, one room at a time.
Being a small team has its perks for sure, but it also means that whatever happens in our personal lives, it directly has an effect on the shop, thus all the time we had to close since the beginning of the grammes journey.
Our new pastry chef starts today, freshly graduated from ROC Amsterdam in both pastry and bakery. It will be good to finally get to teach the way I see pastry, build a team to follow our growth, and see how much of a difference it will make production wise. She will bring some of her knowledge, and together we will try to re-think our offer a bit differently, and come up with alternatives that does not need proofer time (I already have some ideas...)
These past days, I have been in contact with a pastry friend from France as well. He was actually one person I wanted to hire when I arrived in Amsterdam, but life (and Covid) decided otherwise.
We are still figuring out the details, but he will come for a pop-up on Saturday September 25th, to showcase his vision of pastry, 100% vegetal, and probably a gluten-free option (pre-order only). We will share all the details as they go.
The webshop is full, and you have until Friday noon, to place your order. We added one new item : The gift card !
I did not know it was something that could be interesting, but we actually got multiple requests from people, so here it is !
See you guys soon !