Week 42
Firs of all, congratulations to everyone who ran this Sunday !
It was Nawal's first half-marathon, and she did great.
I also spotted some customers and friends in the crowd, either running or cheering, and it felt very nice to see such vibe within the city, alongside with ADE (another kind a sport).
Got me thinking that we should organize a little something next year, with like a sign, and maybe a free croissant for who comes to the shop with their medals... we have time to think about it.
At the moment, our thoughts are mostly busy with the plan of opening one extra day, which also means recruiting, and figuring out how to make it all fit together. Tomorrow, we are also meeting with Josh from Un.Common/ Common Greens, to figure out a way to finally get an espresso machine. You have been tasting their Costa Rica on filter these past week, so why not getting their beans for espresso as well ?
In order to understand a bit better your consumption of our food and drinks, we made this survey. It is not taking long but it is very valuable to us.
We will be getting some pears this week, so be ready to eat some in our products !