Week 43

You thought I came back from Mexico empty handed for you ?
Ahhh never ! We brought the recipe for a Pan de Muerto in our luggages, with the help of Sofia. That traditional sweet bread is usually made from mid-October, but mostly on Dia de los Muertos (same days as All-Saints and Halloween). It has Azahar essence (orange blossom) in order to call the dead. Lucky you, you'll be able to pre-order some for Saturday, if you want to change from the pumpkin that we are seeing everywhere these days.
I mean, I like pumpkin, but c'mon...

Also, it is the comeback from the dessert of the week ! (yay)
I wanted to come back gently into it, so I have re-worked a French classic, that you can find in every bakery, and that you learn to make on your first week at pastry school :
La Tarte Bourdaloue !
With our infamous almond cream (IYKYK...), we put some cubes of Comice Pears (from Angers, 1 hour away from my hometown), and we topped it with a non-sweetened Vanilla chantilly quenelle.
These pears are juicy and sweet enough on their own, silky/velvety as Nawal would say.

Lastly, thank you for all the answers about our survey. It confirms our thoughts, and it feels better to head where we wanted to go. If you have not answered yet, you should. If you have, this week is the last week for you to use your discount code !

I hope you guys had a good vacations ! See you soon !

Reminder :
- Tomorrow, we will
open from 8:00 till 12:00
- Pre-order your treats for Saturday is highly 
- Saturday, make sure you come at the right time based on your time slot. No worries if you are a bit late.
- Two lines are available : one for Pick-up on Churchill-laan, one for walk-ins on Maasstraat.