Week 6
Yes, in less than 7 days, it is already that time of the year. Valentine's Day.
For this reasons, we have worked on a tart in the same vibe as last year's creation: Comfort.
In that crumbly tart shell, you will have a peanut & almond cream, with bits of caramelized peanuts. Above this, we pipe down a vanilla whipped ganache that surrounds a peanut praliné, that will be set free and melt along the tart once you cut it or bite into it.
It will come in a box of two, but also as individuals, for curious ;)
You have guessed it, we will then be open on a Monday, Feb 14th, for preorder pick-up only /!\
Within the last few weeks, we noticed that more and more people around us getting positive to Covid. From friends of friends, to close friends, we have tried as much as possible to not catch it. With our holidays coming up, I would not be surprised if we would be touched before we leave, so be sure to stay tuned as we would have to adapt our opening days if that happens.
But anyway, it was nice to get some headaches with creating again, and I am excited to keep training our chefs (Carlos and Davinia) in order to get me more time for that in the future, and get back to a more regular dessert of the week rotation.
Did you get your hands on our apple pie last weekend ?
Can you guess which pastry will be out next with the same ingredients ?
Reminder :
- The shop will be closed from Feb 21st, till March 2nd.
- Monday 14th is for pick-ups only.
- We are open :
Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 till 14:00,
Saturday from 9:00 till 16:00
- Pre-order your treats for Saturday is highly recommended.
- Make sure you come at the right time based on your time slot, not earlier. But no worries if you are a bit late.
- Two lines are available : one for Pick-up on Churchill-laan, one for walk-ins on Maasstraat.