Week 36

Last Saturday was a good test with the peanut & chocolate tart.
We had a lot of pre-orders, and we needed to be done for the opening. Pre-packing them took more time than expected, but once they will be available in the counter, it will be easier. We also kinda got caught of guard with quantities, as we barely had any for the counter (sorry...)

This week, we are unveiling our second pick for the new pastry range :
our infamous lime tart.

It had many looks, many tastes over the last year, but we are very proud of that last version. We even put a meringue inside ! And that light lime cream on top brings a nice sweet/sour balance to it, so good !
And because this week we should reach order 5000 since we opened the webshop, we will fully refund that order to celebrate this milestone together.

We are all experiencing prices rising from everywhere.
At the moment, we are still holding on to our wishes to offer a good ratio quality/price to our products. But sometimes, we feel like we are being too cheap compared to some of our colleagues in the city. For the moment, our first action will be to reduce waste due to take away, and at the same time, save a little more money.
We will start charging 0,20 euros for every hand paperbags.
If you are just taking 2 croissants, you won't need to worry about it.
If you are order a bit more, please bring your own bag, or we can provide you one, for that little extra.
But soon, we will have stuff bags and tote bags (both made from recycled cotton) for you to purchase and use for your next groceries.

See you this week ?

Reminder :
- This week, we are open :
Wed-Thurs-Fri from 8:00 till 14:00,
Saturday from 9:00 till 16:00.
- Pre-order your treats for Saturday is highly 
- Make sure you come at the right time based on your time slot, not earlier. But no worries if you are a bit late.